BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Moreno-Mateos D, Maris V, Bechet A, and Curran M.
The true loss caused by biodiversity offsets

Sara O.I. Ramírez-Gómez, Carlos A. Torres-Vitolas, Kate Schreckenberg, , Miroslav Honzak, Gisella S. Cruz-García, Simon Willcock, Erwin Palacios, Elena Pérez-Miñana, Pita A. Verweij, Guy M. Poppy
Analysis of ecosystem services provision in the Colombian Amazon using participatory research and mapping techniques
Ecosystem Services

Reckien D, Flacke J, Olazabal M, Heidrich O
The Influence of Drivers and Barriers on Urban Adaptation and Mitigation Plans—An Empirical Analysis of European Cities
PLoS One

Ojea, E. and Martin-Ortega, J.
Understanding the economic value of water ecosystem services from tropical forests: A systematic review for South and Central America
Journal of Forest Economics

Gallejones P., Pardo G., Aizpurua A., del Prado A.
Life cycle assessment of first-generation biofuels using a nitrogen crop model

Shrubsole, C; Das, P; Milner, J; Hamilton, IG; Spadaro, JV; Oikonomou, E; Davies, M; Wilkinson, P
A tale of two cities: Comparison of impacts on CO2 emissions, the indoor environment and health of home energy efficiency strategies in London and Milton Keynes

Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I. , Milford, A.B., Gustavsen, G.W.
Using Food Taxes and Subsidies to Achieve Emission Reduction Targets in Norway
Journal of Cleaner Production

Hauduc, H., Neumann, M.B., Muschalla, D., Gamerith, V., Gillot, S., Vanrolleghem, P.A.
Efficiency criteria for environmental model quality assessment: A review and its application to wastewater treatment

Longo, A; Hutchinson, WG; Hunter, RF; Tully, MA; Kee, F
Demand response to improved walking infrastructure: A study into the economics of walking and health behaviour change

Narloch, U., Drucker, A., Pascual, U.
What role for cooperation in conservation tenders? Paying farmer groups in the High Andes

de Ayala, A., Hoyos, D. and Mariel, P.
Suitability of discrete choice experiments for landscape management under the European Landscape Convention
Journal of Forest Economics

Heres, D., Kallbekken, S. and Galarraga, I.
The Role of Budgetary Information in the Preference for Externality-Correcting Subsidies over Taxes: A Lab Experiment on Public Support
Environmental and Resource Economics

Barquín, J., Benda, L, Villa, F., Brown, L., Bonada, N., Vieites, D., Battin, T., Olden, J., Hughes, S.J., Gray, C.
Coupling virtual watersheds with ecosystem services assessment: a 21st century platform to support river research and management
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water

Ojea, E., Loureiro, M. and Barrio, M.
Ecosystem Services and REDD: Estimating the Benefits of Non-Carbon Services in Worldwide Forests
World Development

Ojea, E.
Challenges for mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation into the International Climate Agenda
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Mulder, C., Bennet, E., Bohan, D.A., Bonkowski, M., Carpenter, S.R., Chalmers, R., Cramer, W., Durance, I., Eisenhauer, N., Fontaine, C., Haughton, A.J., Hettelingh, J.-P., Hines, J., Ibanez, S., Jeppesen, E., Krumins Adams, J., Ma, A., Mancinelli, G., Ma
10 Years Later: Revisiting Priorities for Science and Society a Decade after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Advances in Ecological Research

Arto, I., Andreoni, V., Rueda-Cantuche, J.M.
Global impacts of the automotive supply chain disruption following the Japanese earthquake of 2011
Economic Systems Research

Elisa Oteros-Rozas, Berta Martín-López, Tim Daw, Erin Bohensky, James Butler, Rosemary Hill, Julia Martin-Ortega, Allyson Quinlan, Federica Ravera, Isabel Ruiz-Mallén, Matilda Thyresson, Jayalaxshmi Mistry, Ignacio Palomo, Garry Peterson, Tobias Plieninge
Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies

Abadie, L.M.
Operating Flexibility at Power Plants: A Market Valuation
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Urkidi, L., Garmendia, E., Arto, I.
Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko ekonomiaren lurraldez kanpoko erantzukizun sozio-ekologikoa
Lurralde: investigación y espacio

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